Make purchases, transfer money and pay bills right from your linked credit, debit or other payment accounts. Just choose the payment method you want to use when you check out. It's easy to link multiple payment methods to PayPal.
Payments are accepted via credit card, debit card with a valid billing and shipping address* or Cash on Delivery.
For UAE:
Accepted credit cards are Visa, Mastercard and American Express.
For KSA:
Accepted credit cards are Visa and Mastercard.
When placing an order, your billing address must correspond to the address of your credit card, or we will not be able to process your order.
All transactions are secured. The HALIMA SEEMBA website is provided with an SSL encryption system to protect personal and payment data.
Bank Transfers are also accepted; in order to pay by Bank Transfer, please contact our Client Services. Please note that processing purchases by Bank Transfer can take up to 14 business days.
*Billing address must be from one of the following countries: Bahrain, Egypt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar & United Arab Emirates.